
New Beginning Mentoring, LLC (NBM) is a program operating out of Trenton, New Jersey. Lamont Kelley, President of NBM formed this program in 2007 and developed a sound compassion to help so many whom would normally escape to a subculture of crime, drugs and self–destruction. Lamont and his team continuously address the alarming rate of juvenile incarceration, gangs, and fatherless homes, not to mention a failing, substandard educational system.


Since our onset, NBM’s perspective has been grounded in the belief that positive change can occur, through tenacity. For this change to occur, more mentors, such as teachers, boot camps, pro athletes, entertainers, politicians, and many other role models have to help pioneer the vision of a better life.

We have the power to influence the minds of tomorrow’s leaders. While checkbook charity is helpful, the money is exhausted well before identifying those in need. NBM works to assist and educate children and families to build a solid foundation from within.

The development of our young men and women can no longer be ignored.

Lamont V. Kelley

Lamont V. Kelley is the Founder and President of New Beginning Mentoring, LLC (NBM) based in Trenton, New Jersey. Born, raised and educated in Trenton, speaking has become an essential ingredient in his life. Mr. Kelley has appeared speaking at schools, halfway houses, prisons, community centers, state facilities and radio stations. He continues to break new ground with mentoring our youth to abbreviate the revolving door of youth incarceration.

He passionately articulates the harsh reality of the affects and effects of drug trade, gang prevention, teen pregnancy, and self awareness. Without romanticizing, he captivates his audience into the world of hustling and the effects it has on communities and families. He particularly speaks about the lure and is an embodiment of the transition of one who chose to leave the streets behind and become a successful entrepreneur and mentor.

Mr. Kelley strongly can relate and be the first to state that "It may be a long journey from Prison Walls to College Halls, but nothing in life is impossible, sometimes what it takes is guidance from someone who’s been there and back." With this connection, New Beginning Mentoring will continue to strengthen and embrace our inner city youth in helping them to avoid the tsunami of gangs, crime, drugs and self–destruction.

Speaking Engagements

Name of Location

TUE | 11:30 am
Trenton, NJ


Name of Location

TUE | 11:30 am
Trenton, NJ


We have the power to shape and influence the minds of tomorrow’s leaders. Hopefully, a partnership among the school system, community leaders, and New Beginning Mentoring will create revolutionary changes that will empower children and their families to shape a better future.



"We at Mercer County College would like to incorporate this program, as we feel it would benefit our community in a parallel process to mentor unconditionally. This integration amongst other resources provide a ’hand–on–approach’, reminding our peers through a more different lens to see a perspective lifestyle, in which will create character, integrity amd moral ethics."

Donald W. Davis, Director of Youth College
MCCC, James Kerney Campus

"Mr. Kelley has shown me that he cares very much about our youth. He constantly teaches the youth about respecting themselves and others. He also speaks to the youth regularly about their choices, and how the choices they are making in their life today will eventually effect their future. Mr. Kelley is putting forth much effort in showing our youth a better way of life and personal achievement."

Mark T. Smith, I, Ewing Township Summer Basketball
League Commissioner